
duminică, 19 august 2012

Mette-Marit, Printesa Mostenitoare a Norvegiei

         La 25 august 2001, Printul Mostenitor Haakon al Norvegiei s-a casatorit cu Mette-Marit Tjessem Hoiby. Cand logodna a fost anuntata cu un an in urma, unii norvegieni au crezut ca Mette-Marit nu e potrivita pentru a deveni intr-o zi regina Norvegiei. Nascuta la 19 august 1973, Mette-Marit a avut o viata foarte aventuroasa inainte de a-l cunoaste pe Haakon. Dupa liceu, Mette-Marit a trait intr-un mediu in care drogurile erau disponibile. In 1997 s-a nascut primul sau copil, Marius, al carui tata a fost condamnat pentru posesie de droguri. In 2000, la cateva luni dupa ce s-au mutat impreuna, Haakon a cerut-o in casatorie cu inelul folosit de bunicul si tatal sau, cu aceeasi ocazie. Bucurandu-se de sprijinul familiei Regale - mai ales ca nici nunta dintre regele Harald si regina Sonja nu a fost acceptata foarte repede, logodnica princiala a inceput sa castige si poporul norvegian. Cu cateva zile inainte de nunta, Mette-Marit a tinut o conferinta de presa in care si-a cerut scuze pentru comportamentul sau. Dupa conferinta, primul ministru a declarat "Cred ca e intelept pentru noi toti sa lasam trecutul in pace si sa nu lasam asta sa ii afecteze viitorul". Treptat, curajul si carisma sa au inceput sa cucereasca poporul norvegian. 

Sverre Magnus, Mette-Marit, Ingrid Alexandra, Haakon, Marius

            Dupa unsprezece ani in pozitia de Printesa Mostenitoare a Norvegiei, Mette-Marit a reusit sa lase in urma controversele generate de intrarea sa in Familia Regala. Cu ocazia nuntii lor, Mette-Marit si Haakon au creat Fondul Umanitar Printul Mostenitor si Printesa Mostenitoare. Pe langa aceasta fundatie, Printesa Mostenitoare a Norvegiei este si presedinta a numeroase asociatii si Reprezentant Special UNAIDS.

              Pe langa Marius, Printesa Mostenitoare este mama printesei Ingrid Alexandra - a doua in linia de succesiune dupa tatal ei - si a printului Sverre Magnus. In timpul casnicie sale, Mette-Marit a dovedit ca Haakon nu a gresit cand a ales-o drept partenera de viata, fiindu-i alaturi mereu. 

la multi ani Alteta!!!

Mette-Marit si Haakon in ziua nuntii lor

Dear Mette-Marit,
Now we're here. Now we're together.

Dear Mette-Marit,
Your soul glows with light.

Living, that means loving
The loftiest part of your soul;
Living, that means striving
To achieve the most worthy goal.

This is what is essential. Everything we do with love comes alive. If loving is combined with striving, each of us can achieve 'the most worthy goal'. Mette-Marit, you are sensitive, easy to please, detail-oriented, sometimes a bit apathetic, intensely committed, highly strung, courageous, inscrutable. You can be defensive - or resolute, you have a good sense of humour and a big and warm heart. In other words you are an absolutely fantastic, complex person.

I don't think I've ever been so angry with anyone as with you. I don't think I've ever been so weak or so strong as when I've been together with you.
I don't think I've ever been so filled with love as when I am together with you.
Mette Marit
You bring out everything that is in me. When we communicate I feel like a whole person. Thank you for giving me this feeling. 

Today you are no longer only my friend, my girlfriend and my fiance. Today we have been married, and you have become Norway's Crown Princess. I am looking forward to taking up our tasks side by side with you, and together with Marius. I cannot promise that it will be easy or that there will be no problems, but it will be interesting and meaningful.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to live together with Marius. This is a gift in itself.

Thank you for your love and for everything you've done, Mette-Marit. I'm proud to call myself your husband.

For now we're here. Now we're together.

Mette-Marit, I love you.

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